Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D

Age 28, Male


Daltonism (religion)

B vill IL

Joined on 5/5/18

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I live in dorm, yeah, eternal hate.

you know I wanna give you some advice if a dickhead ever talks to you and says "people will weep what they sow " or "karma is a bitch" those people are the ones to watch out for cause they would do the most annoying shit most upsetting stuff and they tell people that so they dont have to face "thier" consequences my mom keeps letting people move in and they keep fucking touching or moving around MY SHIT like and when i go to look for something that is ot in my room I have to spend 5-10 mins to look for it hell some times i just give up any ways the person whos rearanging ALL my shit thats not in my room like my pool table is un play able and god theres just so much shit.. any ways they say "oh people weep what they sow!" well ok thats easy for me to ignore that saying cause i know its a devious and trickster saying for her atleast well she says this morning when im smoking my cigg "your dad will weep what he sows too!" i was like TF did you just say he has the right to be pissed off one cause my mom keeps letting people move in with out talking to him about it first and hes the one who bought us this house and every one looks at my mom likes shes the victim.. yeah a victim thats been to jail for beatiing on me some victim ha! and thats not it one time she forced me to move away from my dad while we lived in apts. 13 hours away 4 states away .. she took me away when i was in third grade but I got us back here god dammit .. but still I always wondered this girl i would flirt with in the third grade before i moved what could of been cause when i moved back she was dating for the first time .. fucken stupid parents man I hate how parents think they know whats best but in the end there as dumb as the average joe! hah well my dad was not always the best BUT as soon as i was born he gave up all drugs made a clean life for him self my mom kept drinking till i turned 12 .. my dad might drink really rarely alot of the time he drink just to get tipsy to deal with my mom while she was drunk for 24/7 he only drank on the weekends and some times only once a month my mom got me hooked on pot when i was 13 she was the first person i smoked with cause she wanted to be the first ... I fucken hate my home and when i become famouse my story will be heared and maybe even viewed you think 8 mile was bad shit that is only a splinter compared to the mind damaging life i was put in ! sorry dude I just really had t get that off my chest theres alot more to it too and my parents eaither "forgot" or dont wanna tell its always one of the two they never can be honest like me

That is really sad. But everyone have his own bad story. You are not alone.
Well, for my short life, mostly physical traumas was acquired. It was easier for me than for you. Childhood was also difficult, but I still love my family. My father often beat me and the first 15 years of life I was an underdog. As a result, I hated mostly everyone. I became a misanthrope. Bonus I received several fractures, brain concussions, cool scars and repulsed fists. But in 16 i totally changed my mind and became more serious and started my seach for brutality. Life become much easier. So I still try to be as brutal as possible. I train muscles, ligaments, filter speech, I do not give people chance to betray me. At the same time I try to be open, not to be afraid of the new, and to be generous to my friends. The hardest thing in this world is to keep humanity.

Hey thats really neat ! not the hard times that lead up to it but how we think similar hey if you wanna use my saying you got my full permision alot of people see it being a old saying but nah
I tweaked it to be new seance 2014 it is "fool me ounce shame on you .. fool me twice it aint happening dude!" cause after being fooled ounce by some one I never give a secound chance alot of dumb people thought ohhh your just saying "fool me ounce shame on you ,fool me twice shame on me .." where i my quote do you see I let there be a secound chance though you know lol there is no point of feeling shame seance you have control of who you have to deal with most the time maybe not with a boss or a team co worker you cant use the saying unless you wanna loose your job sadly but yeah If you ever wanna use that saying I created but never put a .. I forgot the word pattern or something like a claim oon it go for it I tell people just to warn them its not a smart idea to fuck with me if you wanna know me lol

I still hate it XD but now I pretend everything is fine "oh mom drops liquids on me when im smoking under the porch and she is on it and it was old vegetable juice ,dog piss sweeping it through the cracks on top of me, or even old mop water ... They think im cool with all that XD "Everything is fine"