So why is it most of my reviews if it was a review on a bad game and i told how i felt about the game if it was boring or i just played for the achievements cause it was lame and no fun people get all butt hurt and decide to reply to the review with a smart ass remark should i just not review stuff i dont like then ? just leave it alone I mean that is a option i was just trying to be nice by reviewing the bad stuff i would not give free stars like there little butt buddies but damn! atleast you got half a star or 2 better than 0 i thought? i guess im wrong ill leave it alone if i dont like it cause im done wasting review time on peeople who wont apperciate it ! i think you all should do sameĀ
I'm not shy about leaving low scores and negative reviews if something is bad. I mean, if you don't do that, how are they ever gonna improve?
well to that that is a good point not gonna lie i totally get it but naw i dont want them to progress rather have a bunch of medium rated stuff instead of a few high rated then tons of garbage i dont wanna see NG turn into a garbage pile i dont believe it can happen but im not gonna take the chance if i play or see something that makes me feel like id rather go smell and look at dog sshit dry then imma just forget about the review not even going to rate