man so today i went off at my roommate guys and girls you must know i have a really fucked up life i dont aspect any one to feel bad for me thats the last thing i want .. honestly well it started two months ago when my mom and my best friend put words in my mouth saying that i asked if he could live here.. i never did though i only invited him to sleep over for two days i just thought he wanted to sleep over if i ever knew he was gonna talk my mom into letting him live here i would of never even invited him over soo my mom put words in my mouth saying it was my idea.. i asked if it can sleep over not stay and live with us.. soo the reason she did that was cause she knew i was gonna tell my dad saying its not fair and i think he should kick him out cause i dont have that much trust in the guy!!! so instead of doing that for my mom i gave in and turned into a bitch boy.. then it forced me by telling my mom i should sign up to unemployment office for shitty jobs well after that i blew up and now i am going to thearpy for THE FIRST TIME!!! and yeah so every time i yell at this roomate for leaving messes me and my aunt has to clean up he comes in drunk after a weekend of drinking .. and he even puked on a air matress my dad bought for him ... he fucks up way too much well if i ever try giving him tough love my mom has to call me names he runied my relationship with my parents today my mom called me the devil ... :( it hurt alot it pissed me off alot cause i never called her names or yelled at her even out of nowhere she goes "you and your dad act like the devil" ... no i dont my motto is "im not happy unless others are happy" i might be yelling at my roommate or about my roomate to others but thats because i knew this guy seance 1st grade im 22 years old right now thats a long time to know some one he does alot of coke and drinks alot hes basiclly killing him self im giving him tough love to show him its not okay please tell me im not the devil i really need to hear that .. soon idk i ahve welts all over my abs and back due to being so pissed off idk what else to do cause with out the pain i will cause others pain please help me god :(
Jeez man, you're not the devil. Why would you think that? It seems like quite a conundrum you've got yourself in with this roommate guy. Sounds a bit jerkish. Also, I might disagree with that motto of yours a bit, but it is nice that you wanna help people.
i agree it is a bad motto it will cause alot of stress but the things i been through i believe there is no limit i can be pushed to with out coming back i will never take the easy way out