Jeez I used to look up to this site growing up thanks to but now I burnt every bridge with most user on here it was stupid to ever make a account here I never wanted to be hated by my favorite site I am already hated by Facebook they wont let me back on and now I am getting banned so much even for little reasons I be good ban i be bad ban that is how it is for me now I am not kidding I burnt the bridges down ... But it was a accident I never knew the bridges were gassed with gas already and they were easy to set to flame . But even if I did know that ... I cant help my anger issues they are a big part of me its what makes me ...Me..I cant be 50/50 its either I am super happy ,super mad,or supper sad.. When ever I feel a emotion I feel it really strongly no matter what is the case.That is just the way I am ..I HAVE NO FRIENDS IRL CAUSE THEY ALL PRETENDED TO LIKE ME MAKING ME THINK I WAS GONNA HAVE FRIENDS AFTER HIGHSCHOOL BUT THAT WAS NOT THE CASE I WAS LEFT ALONE ALONEE!!!! I was lied to and hurt already and you all had to deal with the super sadness which alot of you helped me with and then I thought you can cure my super mad side too I should not even had made you deal with the sadness so of course now thinking back on it .. I should of never made you deal with the any upsetting side you all should of just seen the happy side of me you would of seen less work and heard less from me but at least I would not have made you all hate me :/
Have you tried talking to a therapist about your issues?
I did and they gave me pills that made me shake hard as if it was cold in the summer time then after giving me some to replace those they gave me a new drug and that took away all personality and emotions so I was not sad any more but emotionless then its been 5 months seance i have not take them cause that is why I could not create as much art as I used to ... :/ and videos :( they ruined me