WEll I just thought of something funny atleast funny in my sick head ok check this out BUT DONT YOU DARE STEAL MY JOKE CAUSE ITS TIMED HERE I SAID IT FIRST! "We live in a really interesting time I mean now not only pauly shore has to worry about being tested for an STD but kids and old people too!"
But on a real note I really did try to warn people about this back in 2016 its why I got blacklisted from FB actually !So now I am still not allowed on FB I tried 2 days ago to make another account but they still be locking and terminating my account after 10 mins. As soon as some one looks at it I thought I could get back on with a new IP guess that did not work .. Its ok though I am fine not being allowed on Mark Suckabirds site ok :) espicially if they wanan bury the truth that can help out the future it goes to show how pointless FB really is ..But yeah I really did try to warn people and I am not any more though cause well its kinda to late ... in the next 2 years prepare your self mentally for the drastic change we will see... SMH :)