I might of said that I would like those stalkers to be up front and just subscribe to me but .. They want the most attention so I think I will have to take that back after thinking about it I am willing to give attention but not when its to pry personal info from me.. So that clown @ExterminateMAPS finally dipped off the site I guess they did not like th efact I had them block and they could not talk to me in private any longer all they were doing was trying to scare me by saying personal info thats all.. I am happy you all choosed to stay out of that I dont want you targeted by these ..FREAKS like I am .. :3 You all did good that actually care about this page. I wonder though did they get there account terminated or ...? Did they delte there account I bet delte there account cause well it was a brand new account made that day to attack me and Thats what hackers do they dont stay in a place to long if that account is exposed like I did to it... :) Back to normal every one for now.. The problem was solved but I would not be surprise if they come back in another year or 5 months to do it all over again thats what they do to me come and go I think there is a 5 email limit per year with gmail so that probably holds them back they are not smart enough to use other email sites... It is what it is!
You will never beat me and you will never be able to become me !! That is a promise cause YOU WILL NEVER KNOW ME !!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!