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I am sorry grammerly.. Check this out!

Posted by RedeyestheSecound - April 24th, 2020

So I called out Grammarly for being gloomy to one of my comments and then all today I got no reactions from Grammarly I told it "Do your job and be an A.I. and correct my spelling!" I don't know why I turned so mean but I am starting to see it cause I really honestly love everything about A.I. technology.? I can't understand how I could be so mean to everything and every one I tried to explain it but I can't do any better than that. It is what it is :D!

So I thought this would be fun for all of you on this information if you know what the new app Grammarly is too then please vote am I good or evil?

iu_114604_6870617.jpgiu_114605_6870617.gif(blue eyes)iu_114606_6870617.gif(red eyes)




You should probably get this medal: https://metagamerscore.com/achievement/407097-red-eye

Cancel culture claimeth another victim :(

@DrunkGecko I didn't look at his art, which one was it?

Also I'm pretty sure your statement is an oxymoron in some way

There was an Impostor among us.
It´s gone now.
Only 4 to 5 remain.

Also Gimmick quit bein a pedo appologist.

@phenorax @Seth @DrunkGecko then remove the art for violating the terms of use and follow up with a ban if required. I don't see what the point is in suspending the user. I don't think I need to add that this is strictly a site issue - law enforcement can't get involved as art isn't illegal under US laws if I'm not mistaken.

Why not just say you want to be holier-than-thou instead of beating around the bush like this. I honestly can't care less what people draw in their free time, and if you do, then maybe you don't like free speech either.

@DrunkGecko Yo do you know what this guy is talking about? All i see is some dude that is doing mental gymnastics to justify illegal art that gives him hard ons from gettingblasted of the site. Mind telling me if i am right about that or is it a wide miss?

@Seth what? @DrunkGecko was the one who brought that up, not me. Who the fuck is Synikal?

@phenorax the fuck are you smoking?

Every time Pedos are getting shat on, you are there to defend them.You can pretend that you don´t.You. Are. Obvious.

@phenorax I can understand Seth and DrunkGecko's involvement in this matter, but you're just tagging along as their groupie.

Given how much projection you're doing accusing others when it's not even your business, _you_ seem like the real pedophile in here and I'll be damned if I ever defend you.

Newgrounds has had a diverse range of users from school shooters (Regret) to militia members (Wriggle), all of whom have been barred from using the site only AFTER getting convicted.

The only things that shouldn't be accepted here are people like you, phenorax, who can't do anything except destroy things. Go seek help and do something more productive than being a drain.

Don't conflate what I'm doing and what you seem to think I'm doing. I'm taking the stand that nobody can be thrown out on a witchhunt just due to accusations (and accusations by those affiiated with *QAnon* of all people. QAnon! The guy who has ACTUALLY hosted CP domains!)

Spare me your Walmart McCarthyism. You saying a pig is a duck doesn't make it a duck. All the evidence you've collected is proof of absolutely nothing.

And instead of pointing out why I'm mistaken, you double down and point fingers at _me_. For pointing out that law enforcement CAN'T act on the sham you call "evidence", and that conducting witch hunts is morally a wrong thing to do?

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

@Seth - I respected you for having admitted to making a mistake in this, but your reaction to phenorax's reply seems to make me think you've learnt nothing.

What an absolute shame.

Why don't you clarify and provide some real, definitive evidence on whether Redeyes is a pedo or not, so that we can bury this dead horse once and for all? I'll be the first to turn my back on this and admit that I was wrong if the situation calls for it.

Also, seeing as @phenorax is a known troll, is this the type of person you want to associate yourself with? I'm disappointed.

@Seth So what I got from that was that Redeyes got kicked because some guys on some other site accused him of being a pedophile and causing drama.

That is, this guy was driven off because of being too much trouble. Not because he was a pedophile.

This has far more implications but it's not my business to handle, it's Tom's from here on the next time something like this happens.

Based on your reply, we seem to be on the same page on what caused what, which is good. I apologize for my harsh words, and I'm willing to bury the hatchet once and for all. This will be my last reply on this guy's page, or on the matter.

As for @phenorax - get fucked.

@Gimmick Stay mad pedo apologiser. How about you stop pretending to be this ´´warrior of virtue´´ because nobody believes your cumsucking retarded ass? How about you go to the thread and start arguing with Fro and the others about Red getting vanned from the site instead of bitching like a little limp-spined pussy here?
It´s funny you call me a groupie since whenever there is a thread about even vaguely pedophilic content, i see you along some other using these emotional arguments about ´´giving them a chance´´ and ´´BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW STOP BEING MEAN TO THEM BAWWWWW´´ and a load of other similar shit too.
Y´ know i think i will just come around and say this:You are a pedo just like Red was and probably still is since you cannot get this particular stick out of your ass.Do you know about the old saying:Birds of a feather flock together? Because i´m seeing that a lot with you.
So, i will state this here again. You are Obvious.
And i will not waste my time arguing with a fucking pedophile or pedo apologiser( same thing really) about why their sick fuck fetish is considered a sick fuck fetish.The only thing you deserve from me is a bullet or a one-way-ticket to an asylum.
You and I both know you aren´t defending them out of the kindness of your heart.It´s because you identify with them and their perverted urges and us talking about them makes you nervous and butthurt. I didn´t even care about Reds posts.
I had no problems with him staying on the site.
I was okay with him staying here being retarded as he was because i am more than willing to giving people chances if they were still good people.But it was found out that he was really skeevy and got banned.
Why the fuck are you bothering us about that?It was the admins decision not ours yet you still keep going on and on about how unfair it is to us, even though, nobody believes it out of a logical standpoint.
Who are you trying to fool? You,are a slimy worm hiding behind a facáde of a nice guy pretending to care about those ´´innocent victims´´ when really you are just virtue-signalling so people don´t put a spotlight on you and your shady AF activities.
This will be my last post on the matter as well ergo why it´s so long.
Nobody believes you, you are a dishonest faggit and i and a couple of others find your actions SUS AF.
I cannot wait for the day it´s found out that you have CP on your computer or something akin to that, because these situations (where a man was found out to be implicated in the same shit he was smugly deriding or defending others in) happened before and i see that particular pattern happening with you again.
Stay mad

@DrunkGecko not only that, but he ran a s3x cult on roblox and knowingly groomed kids while openly being 23 (as of 2018-2019), daltonism as he calls it! anthony9282 is his user. I remember the youngest he was grooming was like 10 y/o, a 15 y/o and a bunch of other girls.

so anthony, are you ready to stop ignoring me and own up to the fact that youre a danger to children and literally run a whole ass s3x cult on roblox? id love to chat. oh and thanks for blocking me from commenting on your youtube, it shows me how much of a pussy you are. you really are afraid of having all your ass kissing fans ditch you!
knowingly groomed a 15 year old *who was actually 10* at 23, and was admittent that you were 23! how fucking pathetic!

PS: dija!#0111. id love to chat, anthony.

@phenorax someone who actually fucking calls red out for being a pedo! he was grooming children back on roblox in 2018-2020, i was one of his victims. talk about being fucking chronically online, this douche is such a perv. i said i was 15, and he said "oh good, im 23" like tf? tf was this dude smoking? he groomed a 10 year old girl too knowingly lmao. anyways he blocked me from commenting on his youtube lmao. what a cocksucker.

@dijasinamorata Geez blast from the past.I thought, for a little bit he was just socially inept, but from the way he typed and that imageboard thread he started shit (check his latest posts, theres a link there) in i decided to just put my two cents in and just trust my intuition.
Theres more around as well, whererev are there kids theres these weirdoes just lying in wait.

Hey man, I don't know if you're still on here, but I can take your request.