Have not played or watch pokemon in a while but seeing your remakes of them makes me really want to !
Have not played or watch pokemon in a while but seeing your remakes of them makes me really want to !
Great idea with thickness and color of outfit cool furry!
tHIS IS A AWESOME POST CARD idea and the effects on it are a great fit!
NIoce character choice love this so much !! FOR BUTTER TOAST!! Nice work looks just like him!PLease more original parodies maybe billy and mandy?
Billy and Mandy is an awesome suggestion ill definitely will make an artwork of that
This is really hot nice detail and I wish to see more of this character MEOW !
Oh nice drawing this was my favorite from twisted metal!! nice job on detail of weapon and car please make more characters from this game !!
This looks like a really neat character great work on detail too!
I think all he needs is a couple of green homes or red hotel background this is relaly cool though love mr monopoly !
This is some good art! nice background and effects of fire!
Nice character choice and great back ground it has a ren and stimpy feel to me great work!
Thank you! I definitely aimed for a Ren & Stimpy/Rocko's Modern Life vibe! Glad you liked it.
Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D
Age 28, Male
Daltonism (religion)
B vill IL
Joined on 5/5/18