If they were in hell I would tottally say hey take my soul in exchange for theres I can give you power and true tormet just let them go .. Honestly I dont think there in hell my grandparents and uncles and ants and cousins and twin it would not make any seance for them to be in hell but if they were by any chance I would be willingly to sacerfice my soul in the pit of fire for there freedom damn its hard not to think about them but I cant do that there favorite music was mine and they were taken from me it feels like all the good people are taken first IDK what I will do when my parents die I mean I am a looser a 22 year old male with no income only a allowance people say I am creative and I am smart but thats not true ! I feel like if others did not forget about common seance then I would look like a complete retard then people can see me for who I truly am .. Thats wh I made my relgion cause I dont want people to suffer I wanna try to own up to being the best as I am in alot ALOT of peoples eyes like I dont wanna gloot cause like I said I am a looser but I think I can help people in my own way .. Daltonism is not a regular insane cult it's a saving ground to try to make people feel secured and happy like they did when they were childern ..