I LOVE THIS ITS AWESOME! great lyrics :3
I LOVE THIS ITS AWESOME! great lyrics :3
lol nice remix but the last half sounds likee you just put the two songs on top of each other? but I did enjoy the beat!
this is cool reminds me of party boy and crashbandicoot mixed and dancing together my mind is at peace.. Keep making great tunes!
Hah, thank you so much!
this is great its like something they would use on cartoon network bumper keep up the awesome work! love this beat!
ehh not trying to sound mean but I think you can do better than this 4:44 part was really cool when it drops and repeats very trippy but something with the whole beat at start and middle was ehhh almost ear bleeding?
this is a great chill beat im blazed right now and this just put me in a even more peaceful mode
I love this intense beat ! very fast and awesome drums! and guitar!
I suggest keep the first 15 secs of it for intro then add new beat to drop in then you can use this beat again half of it to end it its a great beat you have here but I think it would be better for a short start
*fist bumps* HAHA this is a really awesome party beat! Its super crazy I love it!
Thx :)
woah this was trippy this is kind of music that can be used for adult swim "off the air" episodes ! this is a really nice song!
Hey thanks man! Come to think of it, it does have an adult swim vibe to it.
Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D
Age 28, Male
Daltonism (religion)
B vill IL
Joined on 5/5/18