Im not gonna lie at first i felt haterd for this game due to the slow sneaking but then i ended up loving cows a much more than i did before playing this XD and the music had me dancing like night at the brotlox
Im not gonna lie at first i felt haterd for this game due to the slow sneaking but then i ended up loving cows a much more than i did before playing this XD and the music had me dancing like night at the brotlox
HAHAHA this is funny great work i can see you worked really hard on it you deserve the 5 stars for such a creative adventure! my fav part is the old man atks the femalee if you trust him lol
This is a great game I love the new idea of surprise this is first time in a while i played trial and error games
NICE THIS IS ALOT OF FUN surprisingly not gonna lie lol
Did you played the other versions?
played this aspecting to see some nice booty not gonna lie the name thrown me off but i did give it a try but got stuck on lvl three so ehh it was pretty difficult
i think it has great controls but when your playing medium or hard there is not enough health pick ups theres tons of demon protection and demon wings but where the health at?!!?!?
this is a great game just a little bit of lag issues when i get 3/4s to the end
i dont like this turn based game due to the confusion it give me its easy to tell which are the bad guys cause they follow you but there is no warning or instruction during game play this needs a tutorial
great idea and great game only problem i have the instructions.. cause they are non so i had to die 4 times getting noob rank cause i was clueless like wth were you thinking i really hope you dont aspect people to figure that out
there is way to much "crap" or settings on this game makes the game lag it looks like a really cool and great game but the slow loading and game play is just tortures thats all im not even gonna try to play it a 2nd time the first time was sooo boring zombies had head shot only most the time and you can barley see the survivor then some survivors run infront of your car when your going max speed and SPLAT they cant be saved cause you just ran them down lol like WTF
Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D
Age 28, Male
Daltonism (religion)
B vill IL
Joined on 5/5/18