animation and coloring detail on sunshine is really good ! love the abstract view with window
animation and coloring detail on sunshine is really good ! love the abstract view with window
Nice work on background and the pose you got the shygirl in is really awesome too ! nice work I would just suggest having a good description cause this good art deserves one
nice glow and shadowing detail and the idea is really good the face expression is great too keep up the awesome content
Awesome character the coloring to it with the shading is really good
neat bird character looks like they have a cool personality nice character
lol cool art style I just think the description needs more info on the project cause I had to look at the title and the art back and fourth a couple time to understand it
ehh retty cool face style the killer clown has but I think it would of been better if it had blood on it some or showed more of the outfit
the art style is good the shading is really cool to but maybe the background should match the shading some if your looking for more to do with your art
thanks man, i'll work on that aha
I wished there was more context to the image to understand more whats going on
Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D
Age 28, Male
Daltonism (religion)
B vill IL
Joined on 5/5/18