Nice love the suspence feeling the image gives you with title great work on fire art style to looks cool reminds me of some horror movie i seen about a exorsist ? Keep up the awesome work please!
Nice love the suspence feeling the image gives you with title great work on fire art style to looks cool reminds me of some horror movie i seen about a exorsist ? Keep up the awesome work please!
I love this its really a creative idea and reminds me if a garbage pae kid were to grow up as an adult lol XD and if you reply to comment please leave link to your book about this if this is in it must be really interesting to !
Wow that is so cool it looks gory and then you look at a bit longer and it starts to look cute lol in a sick way keep up the creative work pleasse 10/10
Oh wow the back ground is great for this charecter and love how you made his neck its soo trippy 420/420 lol instead of 100/100
Nice work it looks like it would fit in a movie or tv show of his really good love the idea with the ciggerats you added
Nice job the coloring style is really awesome and idea love the idea of the 50's dinner looks really nice to and gory ! 100/100
Awesome job this is first time seeing pokemon gore and I always wanted to see it when ever playing game but never tried to look for it lucky find nice creative idea!
This is really amazing I love the detail in the gore and skull head with eye and bottom left corner is really awesome!
Oh wow good job on body sizing and detail ! 1000/1000 Love the dialog to even how the text looks!
Thank you! I tried my best.
YAS awesome face expression and emotion shown by charecter 10/10 !
Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D
Age 28, Male
Daltonism (religion)
B vill IL
Joined on 5/5/18