Taht is a really awesome back ground and love how the colors really match the term "electro destructive thinking" Nice job keep up the great work 100/100
Taht is a really awesome back ground and love how the colors really match the term "electro destructive thinking" Nice job keep up the great work 100/100
LOL this is ammzing its so random and dark I love this my favorite parts were dead guy at window and then saw watching him through PC
It's actually anonymous, I thought it would be a funny reference, but yeah it does kinda look like Jigsaw too. Glad you like it.
Wow nice colors and cool looking charecter ! loks like they have a really cool ice power too!
Super cute love the outfit she has and face expression 10/10
eyy! thanks!
Oh thats really cool love the art style and color off it 10//10
OGGA GA BA! lol I loved this charecter alot and glad to see you made some art for him honestly I think it would not be so hard to make likke a funny art piecie with him and other mask on a family picnick or doing something together ? Just short suggestion abut love the art detail you did with the cheek area and forehead!
Wow i love the art style first time i seen a art style like this looks realistic but doesnt at same time and colors you used the green purple and black great idea very awesome matching!
Very awesome charecter I like his sun glasses and pose keep up the great work!
Awesome art ! the background has a great color to match the emotion of the charecter 10/10
This is really awesome raven in this art style at first I thought it was new charecter but then realized real quick lol Awesome room does not look from reg teen titan room
Im not happy unless I make other happy.. thanks for your time! :D
Age 28, Male
Daltonism (religion)
B vill IL
Joined on 5/5/18